ABM is a hard change project – the Cloudbridge review from the Digital Breakfast

ABM is a hard change project – the Cloudbridge review from the Digital Breakfast

ABM is a hard change project – the Cloudbridge review from the Digital Breakfast 1920 690 Cloudbridge Consulting GmbH

On the 24th of February, Clodubridge had the pleasure of being the first official external host of the Digital Breakfast by and with Thomas Barsch and listening to Prof. Dr. Markus Besenbeck present the exciting results of his study on the topic of Account Based Marketing:

State of Account Based Marketing & Sales


There were three important points in the intro:

  • At the beginning, he clarified what ABM means for companies
  • ABM is the most expensive marketing strategy – and it will not replace classic marketing.
  • Without a fully integrated collaboration of Marketing & Sales we remain in our MQL & SQL silos: ABM is – to use the words of Prof. Dr. Markus Besenbeck already used above – a “hard change” project.

As far as we know 😊

As always, marketing & sales alignment was a big topic and was again identified as one of the key challenges. The discussion around common target systems for these functions and new incentive ideas for sales teams, which are currently being tested in some of the participants’ organisations, was exciting.

Impressions from the Digital Breakfast

Monitor und Cloudbridge Kaffeebecher
Das Cloudbridge Team in einer Webkonferenz
Das Cloudbridge Team am Meeting Tisch
Prof. Dr. Markus Besenbek

Getting marketing and sales to work together – our key learnings

  • Target systems are usually too disconnected, traditional compensation models often no longer meet the requirements to incentivise a proper SMarketing organisation and successful ABM teams
  • New logo wins need to be incentivised more strongly
  • Marketing generated leads are prioritised in some organisations
  • Creating internal ambassadors helps – and of course making successes visible

Of course, this sounds like a nice theory – especially for sales – if the lead qualities are not right, the processes are not working smoothly or the organisational structures are not designed for it. We are very excited about the changes we will see in this area over the next few years.

Public viewing and the uncomplicated creation of places for people to meet and exchange – whether on the balcony in the sun or, like us, over breakfast in the team – is Thomas Barsch’s motto. All in all, a cool format with exciting impulses.

You can find the YouTube recording here: https://youtu.be/HwRn8mgawx0

Targeting Accounts with Account Based Marketing

ABM is particularly suited to developing new corporate accounts or deepening relationships with existing ones, for example by targeting new business groups.